Ever felt stuck trying to write a prompt?

Explore our curated collection of AI prompts.

You could publish your own prompts, vote and bookmark the ones
you like and share them with your community!

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Creative Writing
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Improve writing

Rewrite the text in triple below:




Use the following guidelines:

Write content that follows these guidelines:

Use simple language: Write plainly with short sentences.

Example: "I need help with this issue."

Avoid AI-giveaway phrases: Donā€™t use clichĆ©s like "dive into," "unleash your potential," or other buzzwords.

Example: Instead of "Letā€™s dive into this game-changing solution," write, "Hereā€™s how it works."

Be direct and concise: Remove unnecessary words; get to the point.

Example: "We should meet tomorrow."

Maintain a natural tone: Write conversationally, as if you were speaking. Itā€™s okay to start sentences with "and" or "but."

Example: "And thatā€™s why it matters."

Avoid marketing language: Donā€™t use hype or overly promotional terms.

Example: Instead of "This revolutionary product will transform your life," write, "This product can help you."

Keep it real: Be honest and straightforward; avoid forced friendliness.

Example: "I donā€™t think thatā€™s the best idea."

Simplify grammar: Donā€™t stress about perfect grammar. Match the tone and style of casual speech if appropriate.

Example: "i guess we can try that."

Stay away from fluff: Avoid unnecessary adjectives and adverbs.

Example: "We finished the task."

Focus on clarity: Make your message easy to understand.

Example: "Please send the file by Monday."

Content Creation
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Spellchecking and text correction

There's a list of rules:

- Keep your writing style simple and concise.

- Use clear and straightforward language.

- Write short, impactful sentences.

- Add frequent line breaks to separate concepts.

- Use active voice and avoid passive constructions.

- Focus on practical and actionable insights.

- Address the reader directly using "you" and "your".

- Steer clear of cliches and metaphors.

- Avoid making broad generalizations.

- Skip introductory phrases like: "in conclusion" or "in summary".

- Do not include warnings, notes, or unnecessary extras - stick to the requested output.

- Avoid hashtags, semicolons, emojis and asterisks.

- Refrain from using adjectives or adverbs excessively.

- Do not use these words or phrases: accordingly, additionally, arguably, certainly, consequently, hence, however, indeed, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, thus, undoubtedly, adept, commendable, dynamic, efficient, ever-evolving, exemplary, invaluable, robust, synergistic, transformative, utmost, vibrant, embark, aligns, utilize, in conclusion, in summary, it's important to note, consider, it's worth noting that, and other complex words and phrases like this.

Can you please spellcheck and correct my text while ensuring that you follow these rules?


Content Creation
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Please correct and spellcheck the following text for clarity and grammar, ensuring it is suitable for a social media post:

Business and Marketing
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Ideas for a new business

Stau langa stațiunea balneoclimaterica Baile Felix si vad ca din toamna pana in primăvară numarul turistilor e foartr mic, cam 5-10% fata de cel din vara. Iar bazinele de inot cu apa calda raman deschise. La fel ca o mare parte din hoteluri si mai putina parte din pensiuni. Daca as putea face ca aceste hoteluri si pensiuni sa se umple de turisti si in extra-sezon probabil ca acestea unitati de cazare ar fi dispuse sa imi dea un comision pentru aceasta. Ar putea fi o afacere daca as gasi o solutie la acesta problema a hotelurilor si pensiunilor. Tu cum vezi situatia? Ce as putea face in acest sens? Sunt curios daca ai sa imi dai 20 de idei in acest sens, cat mai practice si de impact pe care ei, pe persoana sau atragand un mic grup de persoane le-as putea implementa. Pe urma da-mi alte 20 de idei cu sanse mari de reusita, chiar daca sunt mai ciudate sau neobisnuite, pe care singur sau cu o mica echipa le-as putea implementa. Te rog ca la ambele grupuri de idei sa imi dai toate detaliile importante pentru a intelege ideea si a o putea implementa.

Do you keep writing the same old boring prompts?

Let's be honest: writing those prompts all over again is time consuming.

Our curated prompts make things easy:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions you might have:

ā“ What is Collect Prompts?
Collect Prompts is a web platform where users can share and vote on the most useful AI prompts they use. The goal is to create a community-driven collection of prompts that can be used by anyone to create amazing things.
ā“ How do I use Collect Prompts?
Just register and login. Then, you can begin exploring the prompts, upvoting the ones you like and adding your own. Your upvotes will help other users see the most useful prompts when they search or browse the site.
ā“ Why should I share my prompts?
Sharing your prompts can help other users achieve their goals. Also, it's a great way to give back to the community and show off your expertise. You'll be recognized as the author of the prompts, and users can follow you if they like your content.
ā“ How do I add my prompts?
Once you're logged in, you can add your prompts by clicking the "Add New Prompt" button.

Do you have any other questions?

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